About Us



The After-School Program operates each school day from 2:15 - 6:00 P.M. The cost is $35 per week or $7 per day. There is also a $10.00 registration fee per child, per year. Children receive a snack and there is a mandatory homework period. Planned activities involve art, computer lab, games, and athletics. The program does not operate on teacher work days or holidays. If school is canceled during the day, there will be no After School Program.

Payment is due in advance on the first day of the school week. Children must be signed out daily by an adult designated on their registration cards. Adults who are picking up a child for the first time will be asked for identification. A late pick-up fee of $1 per minute will be assessed for each child picked up after 6:00 P.M.

Parents must give prior written permission for their children to stay in the ASP. No verbal phone verifications will be accepted during the day; however, parents may come by the school in person to give written permission for that day.

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Children need models more than they need critics.